Table Decor Holder

This was a neat one. Came in as a request from one of the Facebook groups, I would certainly encourage joining my own over at so you will be notified of any file releases.


This is a table top decoration for whatever you want to put inside. The request was to make something similar to


The product that served for inspiration is a candle holder, but please use good judgement about what you put in this. Keep in mind that anything in or around a candle may ignite. Be aware of the flammability of the material you choose and the proximity to flame if you choose to put a candle inside this. I am not responsible or liable for how you plan to use this design. Please use good judgement.



This was a neat one. Came in as a request from one of the Facebook groups, I would certainly encourage joining my own over at so you will be notified of any file releases.


This is a table top decoration for whatever you want to put inside. The request was to make something similar to


This is designed for a material thickness of .125 inches but I can adjust at request. There are multiple sizes.

The size options for opening on the top are 3.25, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25 inches.

The height options are 6, 8 and 10 inches.


The product that served for inspiration is a candle holder, but please use good judgement about what you put in this. Keep in mind that anything in or around a candle may ignite. Be aware of the flammability of the material you choose and the proximity to flame if you choose to put a candle inside this. I am not responsible or liable for how you plan to use this design. Please use good judgement.


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